Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Monday, November 21, 2005

3 miles-28:00 & strength training

Sore, probably need a day off but I'm saving that for Weds so I can be ready for the Turkey Trot Thursday. You know more people run road races on Thanksgiving than any other day of the year? Didn't feel good in the stomach probably because I ate fries and indulged at lunch. Soup always sits better once I hit the treadmill. Despite not feeling well, being a little slower than normal at parts really kept my heart rate way down--152 when I ended and 131 within 2 minutes. Usually when I finish I am so far in the anaerobic zone it isn't funny--172 to 180. So maybe the slower pace is more beneficial and I need to throw in more of the VO2 max speed training. Before I was doing lactate threshhold speed workouts and clearly they are working--I'm very comfortable at an anaerobic level. But I need to get to where I can keep my heart rate down and stay at that 9:13 pace I like. I want to get faster but I may focus on this pace for awhile for that reason.


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