Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

7 x 400-4 miles-35:05

Not a good day to do speed work since yesterday for a day "off" I went to spinning class and lifted--and was so sore today as a result of using the different muscles for spinning. It wasn't really my legs that held me back in today's workout, it was literally me pushing my heart to the most anaerobic level possible--I could feel it in my chest before I felt it in my lungs or legs. I think I was just tired from yesterday but also started out too fast (result of a different length of interval than usual?). I ran intervals until I couldn't complete the 8th one and then spent the last half mile at a steady but slower pace. Taking tomorrow off, running 4 easy Friday and then the big 10 with the new running group Saturday.


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