Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Friday, January 27, 2006

5 miles-hill workout & strength training

Discovered a great new hill near my house, steep (and steeper towards the top) and around 1/4 mile, with a perfect loop that is .7, so I get a long enough recovery that it isn't exactly hill charges, but that by the end of the run I can't run another hill. Tried to "sprint" the hill if that's possible, it really was more of maintaining the pace I had on the flat or downhill part of the loop. Kept a consistent pace going up the hill for the first 5, lost a few seconds on the last 2. My lungs were ripping by the top 3/4 of the hill after a few times, but it felt good, like my lungs haven't been getting that kind of workout. When I do sprints I feel it in my heart more. Maybe random and not physilogically true but its how it feels. So anyhow, ran 7 loops in all with a short half loop at the end (could hardly do the half of the hill on that one) to make sure it was five. My legs are stiffening up and I can still feel it in my lungs. In other words...great.


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