Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Yearly Mileage-182.75

Moving along...

Monthly Mileage-88.75

Decent all things considered this month!

Monday, February 27, 2006

5 miles

Same run as yesterday. Some pain in right hip and inside of left foot.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

5 miles

On vacation this week visiting family. Tough, hilly run.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Weekly Mileage-27.25 miles

Mileage was up because I'm going on vacation next week so I ran 7.5 twice this week (if i can fit in a long run on the trip, great, if not, I won't fall behind). It didn't feel too burdensome and I definitely feel ready for the upcoming 10K. Training for a 10 miler after that so I'm upping the mileage anyways, and this may have been an inadvertant good start.

3 miles-25:55 & strength training

Nice easy workout. Some pain in the inside of the right foot at first but it went away. As always, meant to run easy but sped up along the way.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

7.5 miles

Ran the loop again, and realized it was longer, as I thought, since I forgot to count one part when I calculated the mileage. Felt good, more relaxed.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

5 miles

Day one of two of the exam. Definitely calmed my nerves.

Monday, February 20, 2006

7.5 miles

Ran the same route as a couple of weeks ago but a little shorter bc I didn't turn around and go back for my running buddy this time. From what I estimated, it is 7 miles but time-wise I think it is at least 7.5. I timed myself at a little over a 9 minute mile on the portion with markers, but ended up coming in at about 1 hr 15 minutes, which is closed to an 11 minute mile, a pace I know I didn't hit. Maybe just the traffic and stuff at either end of it. Anyhow, pain up my right leg, maybe emananting from my knee. Stiff knees. Sore jaw. Probably those last two and maybe the first can be attributed to the extreme stress. Could feel it while I ran--I'm not feeling loose even though I've been running less. Big day is tomorrow and the next, then we'll see how I'm feeling. NOTE: I edited the mileage here after running again--it was 7.5 miles.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

4.25 miles

Just got out and ran to have a break from the studying, sort of veered around in a variation of the usual routes. Was going slow, but wasn't really trying to go fast...just wanted to get a run in and enjoy it. Feeling much stronger on the end hill, my lungs don't tear out during it.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Weekly Mileage-18 miles

Obviously one run shorter than usual but keeping up all things considered.

Friday, February 17, 2006

3 miles-25:55 & strength training

It's really crunch time so I squeezed in a short ran and then really ran. Did the usual weight routine.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

4 miles

Ran shorter R Rd loop and ended with the hill. Feeling sluggish and slow. But glad to get out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

5 miles-44:30

Ran at a faster pace with the 3 hills included again, plus a little bit of tiny hills here and there. Felt good, no pain. Just a little tired.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

6 miles-53:55 & strength training

Kept an even pace until the end, and in 3 hills of .5 mi each, just to make it more like running outside. Felt good. The days I'm being forced to take off are actually helping me recharge.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Weekly Mileage-20.5 miles

Cut down the miles a bit by cutting a day out of my schedule, as I'd mentioned, but felt like every run was a quality run.

Friday, February 10, 2006

5 miles

Cutting down to 4 days a week for the next couple of weeks for professional reasons, but trying to keep up the miles. Even after yesterday off still felt a little sore in the calves and very sluggish-all my studying is taking its toll and running isn't relaxing me as it has been. Guessing it will be that way till all this other stuff is over, which is soon enough. But ran the R Rd loop with the extra hill loop at the end--a decently hilly workout.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

4 miles-34:50 & strength training

Of course, went to the gym wanting an easy run since I am trying to keep my energy up for my studies. Can't resist though and ran a quasi-tempo/speed workout with 800 m intervals of fast, 800 m at tempo pace, up to 4 miles. Felt alright though, but of course sweaty. Weight training went well, could step it up a notch but I'll wait until after the bar.

Monday, February 06, 2006

4 miles

Ran at dusk and into the dark, which I've never really done. Ran a well lit, well travelled road so I felt safe people-wise. Slowed down as it got darker because I was afraid of tripping, having taken a bad fall about a year ago. Everything was fine though, felt very quick despite the LR yesterday, and ended on the hill again. Sore afterwards, maybe need a break tomorrow? Felt much better stress wise.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

7.5 miles

Ran a new loop outside that takes me through my favorite trail to do drive to for out and backs. Was a nice run, lots of changes in scenary so it went by quick.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Weekly Mileage-22 miles

Very busy with stuff going on in my life, but I kept this a priority. Feeling a little sore overall this week, but hate to take more than one day off in a row. No speed workout or hills, just couldn't do it.

4 miles-35:30 & strength training

Good run today, kept the pace controlled and easy. Could really tell as I was cooling down--my heart rate went much lower much faster.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

5 miles

Ran the R Rd loop with my new hill loop at the end to make it a little over five. Feeling very sore today from the fast run yesterday. Kept a nice easy pace and felt good but heavy in the legs by the end. Calves and shins a little sore.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

4 miles-35:30 & strength training

Did my strength training first today so I wouldn't be able to avoid any of it by being too tired. Works, but the problem is it makes me more tired when I run. My legs felt like they were heavy and weren't turning over like usual. Kept up a good fast pace though, getting faster as I went through.