Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Saturday, September 30, 2006

22 Miles

Grr...all things considered I felt good when it was over. Spent the first 8 miles or so with a knotted up stomach, nerves over what lay ahead. Then I was okay, just bored, until the last 2 miles, which is to be expected.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

8 miles

Went a mile farther than scheduled, hoping to put a couple extra miles in this week so my long run isn't such a hefty percentage of the week. Nice easy run, ran with the fiance the first 5 miles and finished up on my own.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

8 miles

Ran during my lunch break, out Rock Creek Parkway and back to the office. Felt slower in the beginning than the end, but overall it was a good quick run. A little unusually sore afterwards, I think the speedstars are too light for me at any real distance.

Monday, September 25, 2006

6.5 miles

Ran with a new running partner, much faster than I am. It was a speedy run and I was nervous at first but I kept the pace, enjoyed the run, etc. Definitely going to run with her again.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Weekly Mileage-35 miles

Good restful week, feels like an easy mileage right now.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

12 miles

Ran the first 4 with my fiance at a slower pace but with hills, then took off for the last 8 on my own. Kept up a really good speed, but got a little bored. I've been running more hills just to get in some new streets.

Friday, September 22, 2006

6 miles

Solid run this morning. Pretty flat but ran up the steps of the Masonic Temple, which felt sort of like Rocky. Legs were heavy afterwards but I was happy with the run. Stomach still feeling good.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

7 miles

My birthday run. Ran in the evening, which is unusual for me. Nice hilly run. Weather was perfect, a little cool but still in a tank top and shorts and felt comfortable. Hills that used to seem huge are no problem for me now, yay.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

7 miles-10x800

Reached my Yasso goal of 10x800. Ran at a 7:41 pace, meaning each repeat took me 3:50. It was really a struggle, I was seeing black spots by the last couple. So I'm not sure I would use that to estimate a race time of 3:50, but we'll see how I feel after I do it again.

Monday, September 18, 2006

3 miles

Took yesterday off but still recovering from the 20-miler. A couple of pains here and there, but not too tired.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Weekly Mileage-46 miles

Highest mileage week so far and I got through it much easier than through my last big week, which was 46 miles. Not as tired, stomach feeling good, not too sore. Probably going down to one day a week of strength training until the race.

20 miles

Ran to Mt. Vernon and back, and the way there was surprisingly hilly. The last mile or so was particularly up hill and felt very long. Finished solid, I'm not sure of my time, but at the end I felt I could have (in a race situation) gone the last 6.2 miles. Took a very cold ice bath afterwards, so cold I almost passed out. Hurt more than the run!

Friday, September 15, 2006

5 miles

Nice easy run, trying not to strain with tomorrow's long run still ahead.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

8 miles

Ran on the treadmil, blah, but it gave me a chance to force myself to stick to marathon pace.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

5 miles

Feeling stiff after a few tough days in a row, but determined to go out at a faster pace. Average pace was 9:18, which felt easy enough but I definitely had to focus on my speed or I found myself slowing down. Legs are heavy, need a day of rest. I think I'll take tomorrow off or only strength train tomorrow.

Monday, September 11, 2006

8 miles

Did not want to get out of bed this morning but forced myself. Slow again. Legs were sore and energy was low. I did a run with a few good hills, so that also slowed me up. A little stiff today from all of it.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Weekly Mileage-32 miles

Really felt rested by Sunday, though on Friday I was still exhausted. Feel good about the tough week ahead (47 miles, including a 20 miler). My stomach is starting to bother me a little bit, even when I'm careful what I eat. Guess I have to be careful all the time.

6 miles

Ate crap all day and then went for a hilly run, my stomach almost gave out on me. I was slower than usual, part stomach, part hills, part tired. Felt fine on the hills though, which was good. I have been ignoring hills and since I have no speedwork this week I'm going to really focus on the hills instead.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

3 miles-5K race

Ran the 5K in 25:15. Pretty happy with my time but still dream of hitting under 23:13, my high school record (which came with such ease I envy my 15 year old self). But I don't train for 5Ks, and I definitely could feel that it wasn't translating, my ability to run far and at a good pace.

Friday, September 08, 2006

10 miles

Ran from work, out to Hain's Point and around the Lincoln Memorial. Hot day out and I had a nice run. About 9:45 miles. Now it is out of the way and I can enjoy the weekend! Finally I am seeing where the rest part of the easy weeks comes in...on Saturday and Sunday.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

4 miles & strength training

Felt good, fast easy run and then a good weight lifting session. Ran in the Speedstars again. They're great for the shorter distances but I'm not so sure about long ones (more than 10) yet.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

9 miles

Crappy weather again, so again I hit the treadmill. Long ways to go on the treadmill, but I'm learning patience, right? Felt good, kept a good pace.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Weekly Mileage-41 miles

Feeling a little burnt out after this. Longest week so far, and it was mentally and physically overwhelming. Looking forward to a relatively restful week next week.

17 miles-2:48

Kept around a 9:45 pace. Felt alright, not too pumped up. GI troubles around mile 9-11, but luckily were well-timed for a nice park bathroom stop. Ate some gel and then hit the road again, and was fine. Stomach was a little churny but felt generally okay. Energy afterwards was good, got through the day fine with only a little nap. Took an ice bath after the run and then iced my legs, and nothing felt too sore.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

6 miles & strength training

Horrible rain and wind today, so I had to push back the long run and work out at the gym. Went fast, probably too fast considering I have 17 miles to go tomorrow.