Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Weekly Mileage-22 miles

End of the year! Pushed some bigger distances in with one shorter one this week.

Friday, December 30, 2005

5 miles

Ran outside again. Thought I might be sore from yesterday but ended up feeling good and completing my weekly mileage goal today. I think I'll try to run at the beach this weekend but now I can enjoy it and not worry about miles.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

5 miles-47:03

Really tired today but as always, running made that go away. Ran hard, wanted to do 5 or 6 but told myself I'd make it to 4 and decide whether to keep going, so I ended up doing 5. Everything felt good, ran a good pace.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

3 miles

Was really logged down from yesterday's tough workout so I cut today's run short. Felt slow, out of breath, tired. Ran a decent hill though.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

4x800s-4 miles-36:00 & strength training

Finally made it to the gym since I really needed to do my lifting. Decided to do a speed workout since I prefer them on the treadmill, can manage the speed better. Didn't decide until a mile in, so I only got in 4 intervals instead of 5, but that fifth one would have ruined the lifting so I decided to cut it off at 4 miles. Felt good--sweaty, breathing hard with a little cough, but nothing sore.

Monday, December 26, 2005

5 miles

Felt like a lump running down the road after a dinner way too heavy on the heavy cream, which I'm not used to. Didn't give me energy, just weighed me down. Run went fine though, nothing was sore or clunky after a day off.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Weekly Mileage-22 Miles

Still hurting from cutting down from 6 days to 5 but keeping the mileage the same. I think after next week I'll be adjusted--might as well suffer through for a couple of weeks to get there.

4 miles

Ran outside again--been nice enough I've done it all week. Ran the R road loop. Felt good, nothing spectacular.

Friday, December 23, 2005

4 miles

After a day off feeling better but still not great leg-wise. Shins are sore, particularly the right one, and I have been needing ibuprofin to sleep sometimes.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

4 miles

Not feeling it today. Sore legs and feet and stomach not great-think I was a little dehydrated. Ran a new loop outside and I liked the change, but I was glad to get home. Feeling really good overall--lost nearly 40 pounds.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

4 miles

Again, ran outside. Felt really good, energized, like a runner...I don't know how to explain it except that. I ran about 1.5 miles to the Y, where there is a soft gravel track around a baseball field, I think a little less than a quarter mile. Circled it 5 times and ran back, I think it was close to or a little over 4 miles. It was the first time I've run this track and I really liked it, might try taking a speed workout outside there.

Monday, December 19, 2005

6 miles

Added a smaller loop onto the R Rd loop for 6 miles. Felt good, really glad to get outside again after a very cold couple of weeks. Didn't bring gatorade or water and ended up not feeling good the rest of the day because of it. Dreamed of gatorade the last mile. Felt very fast on my feet.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Weekly Mileage-22.5 Miles

Got in the usual mileage but with only 5 days instead of 6. I may try to keep up this pattern of less but longer since the cold makes it tough to get outside--either bad weather or I just don't want to deal with the layers, the burka to keep the wind out, etc, and the treadmill 6 days a week gets old now that I'm not working a 9-5 and escaping to the gym at lunch.

4 miles-37:15 & strength training

Nothing too exciting, after a quick warm up kept at 9:13s most of the run, sped up at the end. I felt tired, was unusually sweaty. My throat was been a little sore, hope it's nothing.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Fartlek-5 miles-45:15

Thought about doing my recent fav speed workout of 800s but once I started out I just went whatever speed felt comfortable and it ended up being a nice but fast workout.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

4 miles-36:33

Treadmill run early in the morning. Picked up the pace throughout the course of the run and felt good, despite it being early and me being tired. I guess I still have more energy than at the end of the day, despite being drowsy.

Monday, December 12, 2005

4.5 miles

Ran the R Rd loop. Couple of pretty big hills but it's a good one. Felt sore--mostly I think because it was so cold I couldn't warm up. Still getting used to the winter temps I guess.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

5 miles-46:15 & strength training

Picked up the pace today to 9:13s after one mile. Been stuck at 9:30s for a few weeks now, after I pushed to increase my speed and really couldn't. Felt good, meant it as a tempo run but it ended up feeling more like a normal run and I went 5 miles when I only planned on 4. Feet a little sore, maybe from the new shoes, which were tied to tight yesterday.

4 miles-38:00

Took it easy this week because I was running a 10K today but it got cancelled because of icy roads. Means my mileage for the week was going to be a little lower anyways, and today I didn't feel like putting in 6 on the treadmill, and didn't want to go outside in case it was actually still icy. Excuses, I know, but I got in a good run.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Weekly Mileage-18.5 Miles

Like I said, lower because of the race that never was. Also was feeling very sore in the legs for want of new running shoes, a problem I've remedied. Getting ready to make the adjustment to winter running--hitting the treadmill because it is icy, scheduling my running around weather reports. Also, since I have been running outside more due to some changes in my schedule, I'm not going to post times on those runs anyways. I don't always know how far I'm going and watching the time makes me less likely to veer from a path where I can calculate out my miles.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

4 miles-37:30

New shoes make all the difference! The aching in my shins was gone and I trotted along much more comfortably. Bought the Nike Pegasus 2004--I'm always nervous to get my shoe in the updated version so this gives me another 500 miles or so in the old style.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

3 miles-28:35 & strength training

Never go running an hour after you eat curry. My sides were cramping up and I felt like throwing up. Forced out three miles, then did strength training minus anything involving my stomach--struck me as a bad idea.

Monday, December 05, 2005

4.5 miles-49:00

Ran outside in the snow--wanted to hit 6 but it was coming down pretty hard and I didn't want to get stuck out in. Was bundled/layered/covered so I wasn't cold, though I got cold fast once I quit running and the dampness of my bottom layer hit in. Wanted to get the run in because it might be piled up tomorrow making it hard to go to the gym or run outside.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

3 miles-28:00 & strength training

Lungs felt good but my legs were sore from yesterday. Was able to speed up at the end though my legs were sort of lurching through it. Strength training was tough but good.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Weekly Mileage-25.5 Miles

Wanted to up my mileage more this week but only did it by a few miles. Also, didn't get any strength training in since Sunday. There were some big changes in my life this week so I'm glad I maintained and I look forward to getting in more miles after the 10K next weekend.

6 miles-56:55

Wanted to go outside but couldn't convince the family that the trail was more appealing than the warm gym, so I ran on the treadmill. Felt good, loose. Was really tired when I got to the gym but felt solid during the run and sped up the last mile. My heart rate was 156 right after--nice steady pace I guess. I'm running a 10K next Saturday, so I wanted to get in 6 today and maybe 7 on Monday, and then take it easy the rest of next week.

Friday, December 02, 2005

3 miles-31:00

Ran outside and it was WAY too windy and cold. I was underdressed (no hat even) so I cut the run short. Also, feeling very slow and sore from yesterday, so I thought I'd make it more of a recovery run instead. Running into the wind made me a lot slower, and then I had to go to the bathroom the last mile. Overall not great, but I got some miles in.

4.5 miles-44:00

Ran a new route outside today. I liked it a lot and if I ran it in reverse and I'd get some good hills in. Felt good, light on my feet, running was easy. I was initially too tired to run, but a quick nap and I got myself out there.