Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Yearly Mileage-397.5

Moving along...

Monthly Mileage-118

Good month, increased the weekly mileage and worked hard, ran two good races.

Weekly Mileage-24 miles

Tapering so it was an easy week up until the race. I'm bad at resting but I tried!

Frederick 1/2 Marathon-1:50:15

Awesome race! Felt a little frustrated with my pacing, since from 6 on I slowed down, but realized later that those were hilly miles and my earlier pace allowed me to come in close to my goal time. I felt great about the whole race, glad I'd done all that hill training. Even a 1/2 was mentally daunting, and I realized I need some marathons under my belt to conquer that fear. Wasn't in the kind of pain the 10 miler last weekend put me in and my stomach didn't bother me afterwards.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

3 miles & strength training

Run felt very blah. Sore, sluggish. I did strength training at home today and upped the lunges to a more intense knee-touching dip. Definitely starting to feel it in the back of my legs, which is good. May take two days off before the race to rest up.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

5 miles-hill workout

Ran a new loop through the B hills. Beautiful day and great run. Wanted to get a hill in before the 1/2 this weekend because I didn't run any last week. And then it was surprisingly easy for an extremely hilly route. I mean, I worked hard but hills that were huge in my mind flew by this week. I love the hill runs, they really do make a difference. I also think I'm feeling myself improve in races and on the road, and that mentally lifts me up.

Monday, April 24, 2006

3 miles-26:45 & strength training

Recovery run and then a tough strength training workout. I've been struggling to drag myself to the gym, so I switched to mostly new machines today to get out of the rut. It's like I'm afraid to change and undo the work I've done, but at the same time I'm not seeing tons of progress and I was sick of the old routine.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Weekly Mileage-26

Good week, took it pretty easy as a mini taper for the race. I'm running a 1/2 marathon next weekend so the easy week will roll over into this week. I may need to fit in a hilly run though, since I skipped it last week and don't want to lose that. I'm terrible at resting! After the 1/2, I'm going to really focus on my long runs and upping my mileage, but lay off the strict schedule until about July, when I'll start marathon training. I'd like to get up to a 20 mile run by then.

GW Parkway Classic 10-miler-1:21:45

Wow! I flew! I was struggling by my 5, thinking I'd started too fast, but then I made friends with a wonderful woman my age and we took off together until mile 9, when she went ahead and I slowed a little. I was reading the splits aloud from my watch, and a lady afterwards told me I kept her on pace. It was fun, and sharing it with other runners makes it sooo much easier. That first mile, all quiet in the hush of a sleepy wet parkway, except for the stomping of thousands of running feet, was very zen. I loved it. Also, so happy with my time. I ran my splits in under 8:13s.

Friday, April 21, 2006

3 miles

Ran 3 fast miles today...I can actually hit a decent speed for a short distance! I think I ran about 8:10 miles, but I wasn't clocking my time or mileage exactly. It was nice to get out and feel fast and have it over with quickly. A little pain in my right foot from twisting my foot/ankle yesterday on my run, but nothing major...I just held off on the run until afternoon and it was gone.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

4 miles & strength training

Ran outside today. Nice easy run again. Beautiful weather. Twisted my right ankle (I think it was the left last week) but just kept on going, instead of having my moment of drama and debate like last week, and it was fine. A little sore by this evening, after a day of cruising around in heels, so I think it's alright. Did my strength training at home. Isn't as thorough as at the gym but I think it allows me to maintain.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

5 miles

5 slow easy miles through the neighborhood on a relatively flat route I mapped out that ended on my usual big hill. Pace felt good, like I was cruising along. It was a run that felt like I enjoyed running, not like I was making some sacrifice to the running gods to be faster or stronger. I guess slower runs can be good for you! Oh, and definitely sore from the change up in strength training yesterday. Didn't like the locale but some new machines might do me good.

Monday, April 17, 2006

4 miles-33:45 & strength training

Went to a new gym today. Didn't like the equipment--treadmill was rickety, machines were older. But I had a solid workout and the new array of machines forced me to try a couple of different things, which was good. Ran at a tempo pace.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Weekly Mileage-26.50

Again, only ran 4 days this week because it was crazy, but they were all quality days. Looking forward to the 10 mile race next weekend and then considering set less rigid training goals until the beginning of July, such as a mileage goal, long run goals, and some planned speedwork. Ha...listen to me, that still sounds pretty rigid.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

12 miles

Ran with the DC Road Runners for the first time today. 12 miles with the first 4 being verrry hillly. I was dying and a little confused with the directions for the run since I ended up alone. I think it slowed me down and disoriented me for the first 7.5 miles until I hit familiar territory. Upset stomach afterwards, big time. Probably dehydration combined with a crappy diet all week. It was pretty warm out, despite being early.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

7 miles-1:02 & strength training

Tough but good run. Haven't been on the treadmill in awhile.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

4.5 miles-6 x 800

Tough but good intervals. Each 800 averaged 3:38 to 3:40, which is a good pace. I ran outside on a quasi-track. The thing I like about intervals outside is that there is no treadmill to force me to keep a pace--it's up to me. That means I have to pay more attention to my pace and effort, a skill I'll use in races.

Monday, April 10, 2006

3 miles

Nice pace recovery run. I like my training schedule when it gives me shorter runs, even if that means one longer one. Feeling good, not too sore.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Weekly Mileage-26.50

Tough week. Not feeling very focused or inspired. Good long run though so I think it may pass now.


10 miles

Nice hilly run. I counter around 3 or 4 major hills, around 5 medium ones, and numerous little ones. This is the second time I ran this B Hills loop and it felt much better this time, probably because of the mental aspect of knowing what to expect. No hills caught me by surprise, etc. Also, this was my 3rd 10+ run. I feel comfortable with the distance now. Took an ice bath afterwards. My aunt thinks I'm going to get sick from too much running and now taking cold baths. :) But it really did help with the soreness.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Strength training

Did a strength routine at home. Not as intense as the gym but better than nada!

Friday, April 07, 2006

6 miles

Ran home from my part time job and just sort of weaved through the streets until I was pretty sure I'd hit 4, then ran a mile from home and back to make it to 6. I'm struggling this week! Busy week, because I'm buying a new car mostly, and that has created some time constraints. At the same time, my focus and motivation are low so blah! I am not having a productive week. And my diet has not been as strict as usual. But I guess it happens. Combine it with rain and I may not hit 5 days of running this week.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

4 miles & strength training

Ran my 4 at race pace outside and then went to the gym for weights. I think I have a stronger weight session when it is seperate from the running, or preceeded by only a light run. The run was good too--my ankle bothered me for awhile yesterday but was fine today and I ran fast.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

6.5 miles-4 x 1600

Tripped and twisted my ankle on the way to the track for intervals. I was okay, and ran 1.5 before and then about a 1/2 mile back. Felt solid, good pace. I don't know the exact distance of the track but I'm pretty sure every loop is .3 miles, and my times were consistent with that.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Weekly Mileage-32.5

Mileage up because I had to cram last week's long run into this week because of the 10K. Feeling a little soreness in the right knee, some general soreness from also upping the weights.

11 miles-1:45

Went out for a flat run this time on Mt. V trail. Sped up to 8:15 pace for two miles between 3 and 5 markers. Killed me for the rest of the run--my legs were exhausted. But I'm hoping this will bring some combination to speed and distance by mixing them.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

4 miles

Easy quick run, felt good after a day off. Weather was nice but a little humid.