Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

4 Miles-38:16

Thought I'd see if I could make my time of yesterday but without increasing speed through the run. I wanted a steady pace--started out at 9:50 for 1/2 mile then stuck at 9:31 for the remaining 3.5 miles. Hurt like hell. I told myself I'd get to 3 and didn't have to more--but that is what I usually tell myself. On paper (or blog) looks like I've had a great running week but truth is I've been feeling burnt out. I guess I'm just trying extra hard to push through it and I don't want to rest because with the stress at work I need the running and I'll be on vacation next week, flying Saturday, so I definitely will miss Saturday and probably not have a full running week.

Monday, October 24, 2005

4 miles-38:55

Wanted to just do a recovery run at 10:00 minute miles but kept speeding up over the last 2 miles. My legs are still pretty heavy from the 10 miler and I just wasn't feeling it, so I wanted to go faster and get it over with. Probably means I'll be sore tomorrow too. Had a cramp about halfway through, been getting those lately, maybe because I've been pushing myself.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

1.5 & 1.5 Walk

Actually felt good legs-wise despite some initial soreness. However, my stomach gave out half-way into my out and back, and I had to walk most of the way home or there'd have been trouble. Really really tired so probably need the rest anyways. Slept for two hours this afternoon.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

LSD-10 Miles-1:45

Good run. Came out to about 10:30-10:45 minute miles, which is faster than my goal of 11:00 minute pace and faster than I ran the 8 miles last week. I ran the same course along the Potomac. Misty day, about 58 degrees. It was a good run. I saw a turtle, about a foot from head to toe, just standing on the edge of the path closest to the water. When I said "Hi buddy!" he buried his head in his shell. Also saw a guy running in the same shirt as me-Shamrock Marathon 2005. We both just pointed and smiled. Gave me an extra burst of energy to remember other people were out there doing it too. Sort of lost some energy during mile 5, after I turned around and started heading back--I think it was the mental thing of having the whole course in front of me again, even though I was halfway through. Got a cramp during mile 6 but it only lasted a minute and didn't affect my pace that much, though I pulled back a little when it started. Pounded out miles 8-10, I couldn't believe it. 10 hurt like hell but the last mile can hurt as bad as it wants, it's still the last mile so you keep pushing just to get it over with. I went to the gym afterwards and sat in the whirlpool and sauna. Doesn't feel like it helped much, I'm still pretty sore. My stomach was upset again afterwards (like last week), even though I ate. Laying down for an hour or so eased it all up.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

4 Miles Hills-40:00

Usually only run 3 miles on my Thursday workout because it's a tough one. I alternate sprint repeats and hills every Thursday. Today I went for 4. It was tough but once I hit 3 I felt I could do one more. I was at level 3 on the treadmill, 10 minute miles. My right shin hurt a little afterwards and I expect a little soreness tonight, and my lungs were a little cough-y afterwards. Felt good though. I think I'm recovering more quickly even though I'm running harder and faster. I read that speed and hills help make you a more fluid runner, and of course a faster and stronger one, so I try to be vigilant about these Thursday workouts. Last week I just did a normal run on Thursday and the recovery did help. Hoping to go for a long run tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

4 Miles-39:05

Ran on the treadmill at lunchtime today, which is the usual but I've missed lunch with everything going on at work the past couple of days. Again, very comfortable at 10 minute miles. I was able to speed up a lot the last mile. Felt good, not sore from the day before. I prefer the gym at lunch because it's much quieter, though after work there is always someone on the treadmill next to me, like last night, that allows me to say to myself "I won't finish until they do."

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

4 Miles-39:40

Horrible horrible day at work, but I had a good run on the treadmill afterwards. Feeling pretty comfortable with 10 minute miles, don't need to slow down and can actually speed up at the end. I have a rule against slowing down--once I speed up I stay at that pace. I felt good during the run, though still very anxious afterwards. My lungs were sore so I think it was tougher than it felt.

Trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the week, since theoretically I will be in Florida for a wedding Friday-Sunday, which cuts into long run time. Hurricane Wilma may make all that moot. I need to get a long run or hills in on Thursday.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

3 Miles

Went for my weekend trip to the gym with my boyfriend's mother. I ran 3 miles in 31:00, felt surprisingly good considering that I was sore the night before from the 8 miler. No heavy legs or anything, though I think another mile would've been a little much.

Going to the gym with her is always something to look forward to. I miss having a running partner and this is the one day a week I get to have one.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

LSD-8 Miles

I ran 8 miles along the Potomac River, on the Mt. Vernon Trail. It was a beautiful day, about 80 but all the summer humidity is gone and there was a light breeze, so it felt about 10 degrees cooler than the same temp would've a month ago.

This was a big jump in mileage for the LSD since I've been sticking to 5 on my weekend run. I know, I know, it's never good to increase that much, but I've been doing so much speed work I felt like 8 was a feasible number. It was. I maintained the same 11 minute mile pace I'd been at during the 5 milers, even at the end when it was more difficult.

I felt okay, a little sore from a tempo run the day before but nothing gave out on me. I must've looked bad towards the last 2 miles though because passing cyclists were shouting encouragement. Felt sick afterwards and realized I hadn't eaten much during the day, and could only eat a little because I was queasy.

Overall a good run, nice trails and weather always help.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Forgetting the Last Marathon

"You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming." - Frank Shorter

After training for and running the Viriginia Beach Shamrock Marathon last March, I think I'm ready to try for another. Va Beach was my first marathon, and possibly the most painful experience of my life. I'm not afraid of not finishing, or of not finishing fast enough...I'm afraid of doing anything that hurts that much ever again. At the same time, I know I could've trained differently...over a longer period of time mostly, with more pull backs in mileage and a shorter taper (3 weeks was just too long, I lost focus). So this time I have my eye on the marathon in Myrtle Beach in Febuary. If I decide to do it (still thinking about all that pain), I'll start the first week of November.

But more than that, I am keeping this blog as a training log. I hope it will help me learn how to do things better, and that it can be a way to connect with other runs and trade tips.

I'm feeling good about my running of late. In a normal week, I run a 5 milers outdoors on the weekend, and hit the treadmill at the gym 5 times a week (usually at lunch). On the treadmill, I usually do 4 miles a day, plus one speed or hill workout a week. I've increased my speed from even 12 minute miles (my pace during Va Beach marathon training) to 10 to 10:30 minute miles, and 11 miles on my 5 miles LSD. I'm not fast. But I'd like to get down to 10 minutes on the LSD and 9:30 on the treadmill.

Also, I am going to add in some strength training. It's hard to find the time to do all the running I want and strength train too, but I'm at least going to do some nightly push-ups and sit-ups and see what I can work in at the gym once I start marathon training, since I won't always be able to fit my run in at lunch and could focus on lifting instead.

So that's my running story, for now...