Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Monday, July 31, 2006

5 miles

Ran slow today, I don't know why. I had to drag myself out of bed and out the door and I never got that into the run. But I stayed focused and got it finished.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weekly Mileage-27 miles

Good week, I'm building up my mileage slowly, less than 10 percent a week. Back to the mileage I was at pre-almost-injury, but not the speed.

6 miles

Didn't run until a little after 8 AM and the sun was blaring down. I did alright though, I think I'm more used to the heat. Ran a couple of hard hills in the middle of the run. Tried a new road I really liked, ran a little bit through a cemetary which I like...I don't think it's creepy, I think it's peaceful and a place to reflect. Loving the iPod Nike+, it unchains me from preplanned routes and I just go, get to try new roads and stuff I would usually say "I'll try that some other day when I don't need X number of miles." Which is never. So good run but so hot!

Friday, July 28, 2006

10 miles

Ran in the morning before work. It was extremely humid but at least the sun wasn't out. Really nice run, through the neighborhood and a quick bit along the waterfront. Starving afterwards and ate way too much as a result, I need to get my diet in check with all these additional miles.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

3 miles

Ran out with my fiance to the soft track at the Y. He was giving intervals his first ever try, and I was recovering from my own speedwork the day before, so I got in my three miles that way. Ran fast, about 9 minute miles. I'm notice that my speed really changes based on the distance I run, which is good. I used to be one pace be it 3 or 26 miles, which was useless.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

4 miles-3x1600

Ran the first two intervals at an 8:45 pace with 200 metes recovery. A quarter of a mile into the third interval I got a horrible cramp in my back and had to walk for about 20 second to get it to go away, finished the interval (minus the 20 seconds) in 9:04. Still exhausted and a little crampy a couple of hours later. Hope it makes me faster!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Strength training

Did my entire strength training workout this morning. I had been seperate upper and lower but now that the gym at work is closed, I have to take extra time to get to the regular I tried to do it all at once. I think I've been slowly adding on to my upper workout until it is around 45 minutes, which isn't what I want. My original goal when I started strength training was to keep it simple so that it didn't take away from running and so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed and stop. So I cut out one or two things today.

Monday, July 24, 2006

4 miles

Ran the R Rd loop which is a little hilly. Took the awesome iPod running shoe/sensor and I loved it. It is nice to hear exactly when I hit a mile, etc...makes it feel like I'm progressing. Also, seeing my actual pace keeps me going a little faster, it stops me from letting my mind wander and slowing down.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Weekly Mileage-25 miles

A little long compared to last week, but that's because I had to cut the Sunday run short and do it on Monday instead. I did keep my mileage for this week at 25, which is what I was scheduled to run, by shortening one run. Feeling good.

4 miles-37:20

I got the new Nike+ running shoe that works with your iPod to tell you pace, distance and time. It was pretty awesome. Ran along the canal with my fiance. We both set it for four miles and I ended up going about a quarter of a mile farther than him. Maybe I need to recalibrate. But it was great, kept me going, etc. Don't always listen to music when I run so I may use it without the headphones sometimes...I hate them when I'm working really hard and sweating alot...the music and the slipping earpieces are more of a distraction than anything.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

8 miles-LSD

Got up early and had a nice run. Cooler weather this weekend then we've had all week. Kept around a 10:15-10:30 pace, which I'm happy with on a long run. Everything feels on track for the marathon.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

3 miles & strength training

The gym I just joined at work already closed for an indefinite period of time, so I had schlep my gym bag back home on the Metro and go to my regular gym. Which was fine, I just hate having my plans thrown off. I ran too hard and my leg began to hurt where I was injured before. We'll see about tomorrow, I'll do an evening run if I run at all. Feeling overwhelmed by life today and I think I took it out on the treadmill (and my legs).

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

3 miles-4x800 & strength training

Good mid-day workout, felt strong on the intervals. I'm doing my upper and lower body strength training seperately now so I did that too and it was tough. My legs feel great today even after yesterday's 7.

Monday, July 17, 2006

7 miles

Second try at my LSD for what is now last week, but I did it. I got up at sunrise, when the temp was already 75 degrees but at least there was no direct sunlight. It was a breeze compared to yesterday...good because the taste of failure in my mouth was eating away at me, even though I know I stopped for the right reasons. I'm a crazy runner I guess. Legs weren't sore and I kept up a good pace. Drank about 20 oz of water over the run. Can't believe I was up before 6 AM...who am I?

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Weekly Mileage-21.5

A little short because I bowed out of the long run a little early, but I'll get it in next week. Back up to the mileage I was at for most of the winter so I'm happy about that.

5.5 miles

Awful! Went for my 7 mile long run at 8 AM, it was around 80 and very humid. Was cramping by mile 3, knew I wouldn't finish by mile 4, and was throwing up in my mouth by mile 5. So I turned for home. I'm really scared of getting heat stroke, so I feel good about my decision to stop even though I hated it at the same time. Went home and took a cold shower, drank a lot of water and gatorade, and ate a bunch of carbs and fruit. Felt okay by 2. Didn't feel tired physically or in my legs, it was just the heat that killed me.

Friday, July 14, 2006

5 miles

Early morning run outside, ran what has been my usual route. Legs are pretty sore from re-introducing lunges into my strength training, but I added some tough hills anyways...probably a bad idea as I can hardly walk now. I took the lunges out of my regimen after the stres fracture scare...I had altered my lunges a little and I realized after $1000 worth of tests that my alteration had put extreme pressure on the spot where the pain was centered. So I left lunges out completely while I built up my mileage. Man they work though, I can feel it everywhere below my hips and above my knees right now.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

3 miles & strength training

3 easy treadmill miles and some lower body strength training, which I haven't done in a week and a half. Sore!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

4 miles-3x1600 & strength training

Wow did I swear through those intervals. Ran 8:49s with a 400 meter recovery inbetween. Then I did upper body strength training. Felt good but tough.

Monday, July 10, 2006

3 miles

Not much to report, feeling fine. Pain in the shin seems to have gone away, feel pretty good, not too tired after yesterday's long run.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

7 miles

My first official LSD of the marathon training season and it was a breeze. The weather was still bearable, maybe because I got up early enough. I thought I was going much slower than I actually was--I have no concept really of my pace right now since I have been taking it easy. Ran around 10:45s which I'm happy with at this point in time.

I've been gone...but running

Not that anyone reads this but me, but I just want the blog to show that I've had a very nice month recovering from the injury, sticking to 3-4 mile runs with no speed work. It's been restful and made the transition into a new job easier. It has also alleviated my obsession with my monthly and yearly miles. That said, it is now time to start training for marine core marathon. I'm on a schedule where I'm carefully watching my weekly mileage, increasing by no more than 10% a week.