Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Monthly/Yearly Mileage: 94 miles

I am going to start tracking monthly and yearly mileage so I know at the end of the year what I've done. 22 miles doesn't sound like a lot a week but the number 94 sort of feels big to me, sitting there.

Monday, January 30, 2006

6 miles-53:55

Tough tough run. Kept alternating between 6.6 and 6.7 on the treadmill, with some time at 6.8. It was like 6.6 was too slow but 6.7 became tough to maintain. Looked in mirror and saw my face was all red and that's when I started putting some 6.6 breaks in because I was clearly feeling rough. Finished though and not much soreness afterwards. Wish I could settle for going slower on these runs, I know the benefit would probably be the same, but I start and I want to get it done as soon as possible.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

3 miles

Ran outside and weather was lousy, didn't feel like running so I cut it short. Of course the second I am in a homeward direction the rain stops, so I added some loops.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Weekly Mileage-22 miles

The usual mileage. Slowed down a little on strength training--3 times last week was too much for me time wise, and I want it to add to my running, not detract from it.

3 miles

Beautiful day out. Legs were feeling surprisingly light given yesterday's hills, but I could feel that my legs were still worn down. Took it easy, enjoyed the run and kept up a good pace.

Friday, January 27, 2006

5 miles-hill workout & strength training

Discovered a great new hill near my house, steep (and steeper towards the top) and around 1/4 mile, with a perfect loop that is .7, so I get a long enough recovery that it isn't exactly hill charges, but that by the end of the run I can't run another hill. Tried to "sprint" the hill if that's possible, it really was more of maintaining the pace I had on the flat or downhill part of the loop. Kept a consistent pace going up the hill for the first 5, lost a few seconds on the last 2. My lungs were ripping by the top 3/4 of the hill after a few times, but it felt good, like my lungs haven't been getting that kind of workout. When I do sprints I feel it in my heart more. Maybe random and not physilogically true but its how it feels. So anyhow, ran 7 loops in all with a short half loop at the end (could hardly do the half of the hill on that one) to make sure it was five. My legs are stiffening up and I can still feel it in my lungs. In other words...great.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

4 miles

Ran the R Rd loop and cut it a little short, but changed the ending and added a hill charge up a pretty decent hill. I think I'm going to try to end that way usually and I need to do some hill workouts there. Funny how it felt different than a sprint--my lungs just felt like they were ripping. Body wasn't going to feel too fast no matter--yesterday was a speedy day for me and my legs were tired. It was very windy today so I was bundled up, and it slowed me down on what was already a slow day for me. Really wanted to get outside today because I feel a lot of self-pressure to go fast when I'm on the treadmill, sort of a slave to the stop watch I guess, and I didn't need another day like that.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

4 miles-34:55 & strength training

Felt wobbly and feeling very very stressed lately since the bar exam is in less than a month, so its left me dragging. But good run, consistently sped up and felt very comfortable at an 8:30 pace.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

6 miles-53:55

Whew...definitely wasn't feeling it when I hit the treadmill and never started feeling it. I knew going to the gym I wasn't going to have it in me. But kept up with my running partner time-wise and made it to 6 at a good clip.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Weekly Mileage-22 miles

Good week, because I kept up the usual mileage, but with one 8 mile run and with 2 extra strength training sessions.

3 miles-26:45 & strength training

Not really feeling the run, just tired but not sore. Been on the treadmill all week pretty much and the pain in my shin and general soreness has subsided. Partly, I think this is an adjustment to the extra lunges I've added to strength training, but I think a lot has to do with getting off the impact-y road. Strength training was good. During squats my legs were shaking but I could still do them, which made me think my body is getting used to lifting.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

8 x 400-4 miles-35:55

Felt good, ran hard. A little easier than last weeks speed work out, feel caught speedwise between 7.5 and 7.6 mph, so ran the last 2 in 7.6 and could feel that I couldn't have kept them up. Afterwards hit the pool for a few laps.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

4 miles-35:55 & strength training

Felt really good, still feeling the effects of that killer speed workout, but now in a good way.

Monday, January 16, 2006

3 miles & strength training

Went out to run and my legs were just dead weights and I really didn't feel much energy, so I ran 3 miles on the Y loop, my new favorite place for a recovery run since a lot of my run is on fine gravel, meaning less impact. Not sore really from yesterday, except in the hamstrings while I did squats and lunges. The lunges are new to my routine so I think I'm going to be a little sore from them for a couple of weeks. Otherwise, starting to see the benefits of even the once a week strength training I've been doing. I'm going to add more of it in now.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

8 miles-1:11:55

Went to the gym planning to run 6 but just kept going and figured I'd get the 8 I wanted to do this week out of the way. Feeling much faster--maybe the effects of the new speed workout last week? Was able to maintain a 9 minute mile on the treadmill, which is the fastest I've been when it isn't a tempo run or something. Felt good, but sore afterwards in my right hamstring and the outside of my left shin--nothing that didn't go away.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Weekly Mileage-19 miles

Didn't go for the 10 miles today, because possibly stormy out and I was still feeling sore even after a day off followed by an easy day. So I didn't make my weekly mileage for the week, but I feel it was a good week since I did an 8 miler, 2 strength training workouts, and added in the spinning class. Next week I want to run 5 days and my usual 22 miles, but I'd like to do everything else the same as this week. I figure it won't hurt as much next week.

Friday, January 13, 2006

3 miles & strength training

Took it easy today because a little sore still from a tough week and didn't want to blow it on an easy run with a big 10 mile run planned for tomorrow. We got some basic weight equipment at home--medicine ball, 18 pound bar, some hand weights--and I did my first workout with them. I really liked it and felt like it was effective.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

7 x 400-4 miles-35:05

Not a good day to do speed work since yesterday for a day "off" I went to spinning class and lifted--and was so sore today as a result of using the different muscles for spinning. It wasn't really my legs that held me back in today's workout, it was literally me pushing my heart to the most anaerobic level possible--I could feel it in my chest before I felt it in my lungs or legs. I think I was just tired from yesterday but also started out too fast (result of a different length of interval than usual?). I ran intervals until I couldn't complete the 8th one and then spent the last half mile at a steady but slower pace. Taking tomorrow off, running 4 easy Friday and then the big 10 with the new running group Saturday.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Spinning class & strength training

For a day off of running, this was really really tough. Missed strength training last week, so I felt that, and then spinning class just works differnet muscles or the same muscles in different way. While I could keep up cardiovascularly, my legs were killing me by the end and I was sweating like crazy. In other words, it will be a good change to add this in to my week.

Monday, January 09, 2006

8 miles-1:14:57

Wanted to get in 8 so I would be prepared to run 10 next weekend with a new running group. Beautiful day out--ended up in a tanktop when it got too hot for my jacket. Everything felt good, was moving at 9:20-9:40 miles and ran the last 2 miles at around 9:00. I was exhausted those last 2 miles but wanted to come in under 1:16--a 9:30 pace.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

4 miles

Busy weekend so I didn't know if I felt up to it, but ran anyways--the Y loop, which is half soft trail so I could take it easy in anticipation of a longer run tomorrow. Felt alright, a little bit of a cramp but okay. Starting to see a trend--Sunday late afternoon runs--I usually don't like that but it is nice after a busy weekend and some rest Sunday early afternoon. Gives me time to think about the week ahead.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Weekly Mileage-22 miles

4.5 miles

Ran the R Rd loop again. Felt like I was on autopilot, which isn't a bad feeling. Just got the run done without any pain or aches and at a good clip.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

4.5 miles

Ran the R Rd loop backwards, since the hills always seem bigger going the other direction. Felt the opposit today, like the hills were big the direction I usually go. Decided they are just big hills either way. Small cramp mid-run but went away. Felt really good. Feet a little sore, think my shoes were tied too loose--I always fidget alot with the laces the first month I have a pair of shoes.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

5 miles-47:00

Nice solid run at the gym. Had energy at the end. May be able to push the speed up next week.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

5 miles

Ran outside again. Felt good but this loop is sort of boring. Rest yesterday helped.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

3 miles

After a weekend away and a day off, I was feeling tired and full. Ran a short distance. Legs felt good but I had a cramp in my side from 1 to 1.5 miles, probably from eating bad food I don't usually eat this weekend (it was worth it!).