Open Roads...a running blog

There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Friday, March 31, 2006

Strength training

Had a good weights workout and hit the hot tub to soothe the tired muscled.

Yearly Mileage-279.75

Good month, feeling stronger every time.

Monthly Mileage-98

Definitely feel very comfortable with a 10K/6 mile distance, pretty comfortable with an 8, and I'm getting there with a 10.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

5 x 800-4.5 miles

Ran these on the loop at the Y outside. Was a warm day, so that was tough. I really pushed it, my legs were definitely still tired. Got it all done as planned though and that was good.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

3 miles-26:45 & strength training

Recovery run today, and it hurt. My legs are just tired from yesterday. Good strength training session, was able to up the weight on a few things and add a third set to my bench press.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

10 miles

Getting in my long run from the weekend, which I didn't do because of the 10K race. This was a new run I plotted out that was definitely hilly but the hills were intermixed with enough flat and downhill that I was able to recover between hills. Felt sore right afterwards--left hip, right knee--but it went away after a few hours. Always surprised lately to find a really tough workout doesn't result in much soreness--a good sign of my fitness I suppose!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Weekly Mileage-25 miles

Good week, happy with the race. Weather is improving so I am looking forward to amping up in preperartion for a 10 mile race the 23rd of April.

4 miles

Probably should have taken the day off. Pain in my left hip (slight, but it's been persistent) and my left shin hurt some. Taking tomorrow off.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Run vs. Row 10K-6.2 miles-52:30

My first 10K! Quads felt tired from the beginning--probably from the hill workout two days ago--and I slept restlessly last night. That said, I still ran really well--an 8:27 pace overall--only 3 seconds per mile slower than in the 8K two weeks ago. I really liked the distance, went quickly and required some pacing, which is better for me.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

5 miles

Ran the B Hills loop. Very tough first two miles, lots of steep hills. It flattens out after that with only one or two hills, but it wore my legs out early. Felt good though. The weather was nice. Picked it up the last mile and ended up running about 9:30s overall. I usually don't time outside but I wanted a sense of this new route, since the first time I ran it with my boyfriend much slower. I think it will really strengthen my legs and get easier and faster if I regularly incorporate it into my week.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

6 miles-51:15-Tempo

After my warm-up ran 8:34 miles. I was working hard but it felt solid, I wasn't overworked.

Monday, March 20, 2006

4 miles-3 x 1600-33:50 & strength training

First time I've done 1600 meter intervals and it went well. Kept an 8:06 pace during the intervals and probably could have done another one. Some soreness during squats since I upped the weight to 150. Overall a great workout, felt good.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Weekly Mileage-27.50 miles

Good week. Sticking to my 10 miler training schedule. Check out the country's largest database of running routes: Check it out. I run one today and it was great. Also just a great way to check the mileage of a run--you can go to "create a route" and draw your route on the map and find out how long it was.

5 miles

Ran a great new route I found on this awesome database of runs. A little hilly at first but great overall.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

8.5 miles

Ran the R Rd loop 2 times ending with the Mt Ida hill. Little windy and cool but kept a good pace and felt good.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

4 miles-5 x 800-33:55 & strength training

My schedule had me for 4 x 800 but I figure I've been doing 6 so I could do five. Ran the intervals at an 8 minute pace and it was surprisingly easy. Weights went well too.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

6 miles-53:55

Ran on the treadmill today because it was super windy outside. Boring. Also, feeling tired in the legs, couldn't get up the usual speed so I probably went faster than I should have for the run since I was too stubborn to slow down to what would have been a slow but comfortable pace. Got through it though and nothing in particular bothered me--I think I just need more recovery from that race.

Monday, March 13, 2006

4 miles, strength training, & yoga

Beautiful day out so I went for a run in the morning before going to the gym. Trying to add yoga in once or twice or week and this was my first time. Hurt but felt good and I need the stretching definitely.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Weekly Mileage-20 miles

The race was cut down and I changed my weekly count from Monday-Sunday so I ended up a little short on mileage this week. Ok though since I was tapering. Really happy about the race!

St. Patrick's Day 8K-5 miles-41:55

Great race! I flew! I was aiming for 42:30, which would be 8:30 miles, a little faster than I've been running at. I would have been happy with a 45:00, since my last 5 miler was 47:15. But awesome! I ran the first mile in 8:40 and got a little faster because in the end, 41:55 averages out to 8:25s. Yay! Felt good. The last mile was tough and the last 1/4 mile was misery but I know I have it my all. Signed up for a 10K next weekend so I could actually run the full length we were supposed to run this weekend (they cut it short bc of security concerns around the white house--grr). A little pain still in the right hip, outer thigh. Exhausted and coughing for a few hours afterwards but it was ok.

Friday, March 10, 2006

3 miles & strength training

Ran easy because I'm racing Sunday and hurried through the usual weights routine. Think I'll up the weights once this race is past. Also, big news. I sold my car and bought a bike. Today was my first day and I rode it to/from the gym and metro, probably 10 miles in all. Felt great, helps the day was beautiful. I'm hoping that making my errands more active like this will help my running and help me tone up some more.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

5 miles

Ran the R Rd loop with the hill added at the end. Felt good--the sluggishness of the past few runs is gone, my system is back to normal and grateful for the healthy eating again.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

3 miles

Woke up thinking I should take the day off because I was sore from weight training yesterday and had two relatively hard runs in a row. But the weather was beautiful and runner's guilt got me out late afternoon. Bad idea. I knew I was dehydrated and sore, and it definitely took its toll in the usual ways. Just tired, more tired than I expected. Think I'll cut out speed work this week to get some rest before the race Sunday.

Monday, March 06, 2006

4 miles-34:50 & strength training

Good hard run, but a little pain in my left hip again. Nothing bad but it has been around for awhile so it makes me a little nervous.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Weekly Mileage-24 miles

Switching my week over to go Monday-Sunday instead of following the regular week. This will help me as racing season starts to plan for my long runs on the weekends. Have a schedule set for the GW 10-miler. Training like it's a 1/2 marathon since I could use the boost and the extra couple miles won't really wear me down. I've been doing around 7-8 the past few weeks getting ready for the 10K this Sunday and I can feel the benefits, so I'm hoping to apply the same logic.

Not counting Sunday, low mileage week but pretty good for a vacation in a rainy locale.

8 miles

Tough run, could tell I'd been eating poorly the past week while on vacation. Got through it with a little bit of an upset stomach and a little soreness afterwards.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

4 miles

Park run. Boring!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

4 miles

Ran in park. Still hilly but not as bad.